Monday, October 24, 2011

My Thoughts

I don't think of myself as gay, bi, lesbian or whatever. I am a female, and have only been with men.
But I will admit that sometimes I am attracted to women. Out of the blue.

I am a Christian. I believe in God, and Jesus, and heaven and Hell. I think that everyone has the right to be and do what they want to be and do, and to believe what they feel is right.
I have said this before and got a response of "So you think if someone wants to murder people that is okay?" Um, no.

I mean that as long as a persons actions and beliefs do not harm anyone else, then who are you to tell them to be something else? That is what I believe. And i feel this way in everything I encounter in life. Religion, Music, Hobbies, Anything you can think of really. If one person loves a band, or a singer or an actor/actress that you think is just the stupidest thing/person/band whatever out there, why would you tell them that they are wrong for what they love?

I feel that we can tell out own opinions about things that other people do or love without being hostile, without hurting people. Why do we hurt people? Just because they are different from us? Why do most people think it requires us to lash out and rip apart something just because we don't like it? No matter what it is you don't like, someone out there loves it.

I always think about that before I voice an opinion of my own about anything. I try to express what I feel about it without ripping it apart, cause who am I to say it is bad? When the truth is, it's just something I don't like. Doesn't make it bad, or wrong, or even stupid.

As far as what I believe about people being gay. Well, If I had listened to my mom and dad, I would believe that they will go to hell. I loved and love my parents very much, they died when I was young. I was 16 when my mom died, and I was about to turn 18 when my dad died. My mom and dad were both blind, they met at a blind school in the states capital of where I grew up. My dad was born blind along with his sister, they had 8 other siblings and were the only two to be without sight at all. My mom was given medicine as an infant and it inflamed her eyes, causing a "growth" to cover both of them. She was fully blind as my dad was.I miss them more than anything. But I never agreed with them.

I could write a 40 page blog about it, but I won't I will make it short and sweet. hopefully.

I think god loves everyone, and that the verses that some Christians use to condemn Gay people are missuses, and do not mean what they think they mean. http://www.fallwell....0quotation.html I have tried to research and understand more of it, but frankly the bible is just too hard to get, as a whole.

I do believe that the story of David and Jonathan is a story about lovers, some would argue and say they were just close friends, I just think they were more than friends. http://en.wikipedia....id_and_Jonathan

But all of this is just because I am christian. And not everyone is. And for me, that's fine too. I admit that some of it is far fetched. But I chose to believe it, and have faith in it, because I need to. I am in no way a perfect person and have just as much baggage and sins as the next.

I just think that the world is mostly harsh and unaccepting and I don't understand that. We have children killing themselves because they feel inadequate and unloved, we have people that pretend they are something they are not just because they are afraid of what will happen if they are themselves. We have lonely people that cry themselves to sleep every night and wake up with a fake smile to get them through the day. It makes me sad. Very sad.

People have come so far in everything, except being human. I hope that one day, it will be better. I love everyone, I try to anyway, What's so hard about letting people be who they are?

I think we should support each other. Someone has to.


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